PROFIBUS Ireland offers a number of services in PROFIBUS, PROFINET and related technologies.
Call out service:
A number of engineers are retained by PROFIBUS Ireland to call out on short notice to fault find PROFIBUS networks. See price list for the rates.
Network Heath Check:
We provide PROFIBUS network monitoring and PROFINET network monitoring services to determine the health of your networks and establish a margin of safety for the network. A written report is generated to show the details of the network with recommendations for improvement.
Diagnostic Tools:
We stock and distribute a range of PROFIBUS diagnostic tools, PROFINET diagnostic tools and FF diagnostics including both hardware and software solutions ideal for monitoring the status of your networks and identifying any potential problems.
Certification of Installations:
Full installations can be checked and verified against recommended practices and standards. These include the following checks: Air gaps between different cable categories, bend radius, cable length between two consecutive devices, grounding, connectors, and electrical waveforms. The installation is certified if it fully confirms to recommended standards and specifications.
PROFIBUS Ireland provides PROFIBUS support and PROFINET support to its member companies and others interested in PROFIBUS, PROFINET and related technologies.
Support provided:
- Provision of Email distribution of events, product announcements, seminars, and other news.
- Email support services to members and non-members. Fill out the form on the contact page, and submit.
- Telephone service for enquiries on information, training, membership and services.